Like just about everyone I know, I've been drinking on and off for 22 years. For various reasons, and to various extents, and all in all I think my liver could do with a rest. So I'm off the wine at the moment, partly because my brain functions better without it (not that that's necessarily a good thing), and partly because I've been known to mutate into a rude, cantankerous, gnarly old bitch the morning after a glass or two. The best way to stay on the wagon is to not buy booze. If there's wine, I'll drink wine; If there isn't, I'm not bothered.
However ... Big G (that's the old pot and pan) is coming home on Monday. He's away a lot, flying planes, so when he re-appears we all get a bit giddy and stay up too late. And, on account of the fact that he has a whopping great Airbus strapped to his derrier most of the time, he doesn't drink much when we're apart either. So next week I might have to break my new good habit and crack open the odd bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to celebrate his home-coming. It would be rude not to, after all.
And why the hell not? Everything in moderation I say. If you can't function in the morning, then that's telling you something, but if you imbibe every so often, especially when the ball and chain comes home and joins in, -bloody great! Have one for me - I may well still be sitting in the hospital with my oldest.
ReplyDeleteA little of what you fancy and all that?
ReplyDeleteIt certainly would be rude not. A little red (or white) medicine never did anyone any harm, after all. It's when the little becomes a lot that it becomes falling down water...
ReplyDeleteI have to admit to being similar to you - if its in the house I have the urge to drink it - if its not there I can go without. With me its weight gain (and a grumpy morning). I gave up wine for almost a year (and exercised and weight watched) and lost over 2 stone. However, I do still resort to the occasonal desperate text to my husband: 'bring home some red' when the girls drive me to the edge.
ReplyDeleteI always think its good to have a glass or two of wine with a meal? Too much & I get migraine. An exciting job your other half has!
ReplyDeleteA couple won't do any harm! (Famous last words)!
ReplyDeleteI've left you an award to collect....I thought I was doing really well until I popped in to look at dumdad's blog and he's got millions. Now I'm jealous....Lx
ReplyDeleteGood for you. I never touch the stuff. It's why I think I'm so sane and generally well adjusted.
ReplyDeleteBeing a bit of a cranky bitch myself I can honestly say wine has nothing to do with it .. and may I recommend a good Malbec .. Argentina's smoothest ..
ReplyDeleteAnd I am happy I found my way here ..
the trouble is...what defines 'a little' of what you fancy, and 'a little red...' it's all too easy to slug back a few in the throes of, 'my husband is away, i quite fancy some wine, so what if i had some last night?...' I wish i didn't drink at all, then i wouldn't have to stress about how much i DO drink!
Ms Wiz, I know that feeling
ReplyDeleteFamily Affairs, most grateful I am
Richard Madeley, yes, I can tell.
Daryl, if the wine hasn't wiped my memory, I'll try to remember to get some
Pig, that is a problem I agree. After one, you forget that you said you'd only have one. Why don't you have a cold-turkey month and see how you feel???