Monday, 9 June 2008

Back From the Brink

A big boxy thanks for all those "pack or unpack" comments! I heard today that the landlord is happy to sign a new lease for a minimum of 3 months, with 2 months notice if they sell it after that. So I'm unpackin'. Oh yes. But not today.


  1. I thought you might have had protection as a sitting tenant or a squatter perhaps?

  2. Spiffingly good news eld gal! Yeah sod the boxes they can wait for a day in the not too distant future when the rain is ripping the nation apart again!

  3. Good news ...and leave the boxes .. they'll be there later too


  4. I really like the comments you left on my blog, as u say the mind is very powerful. Some time to powerful. God Bless

  5. That's great news GBS!
    I always find that if something is stored in a box then we can't need it so much, so soon... so yeah, sod unpacking!
    All the best!!

  6. Even better news, at least you can settle back for a while. My Daughter is having similar stuff - and hoping their landlord doesn't sell his house! M xx
